Book and Film Projects
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Book and Film Projects

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Hacking Ultra – A Systems Approach to the Ultramarathon

I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived. I did not wish to live what was not life, living is so dear; nor did I wish to practice resignation, unless it was quite necessary. I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life, to live so sturdily and Spartan-like as to put to rout all that was not life, to cut a broad swath and shave close, to drive life into a corner, and reduce it to its lowest terms.

In order to test the hypothesis that one of humans’ primary, evolutionary advantages within the animal kingdom is our ability to, given enough time, travel further and faster than our competition, I apply a systems engineering approach in preparing myself for my first, 100-mile footrace. This story unfolds into an exploration of body, mind, and spirit, discovering a pathway to the experience of self-realization.

After you have practiced for a while, you will realize that it is not possible to make rapid, extraordinary progress. Even though you try very hard, the progress you make is always little by little. It is not like going out in a shower in which you know when you get wet. In a fog, you do not know you are getting wet, but as you keep walking you get wet little by little. If your mind has ideas of progress, you may say, “Oh, this pace is terrible!” But actually it is not. When you get wet in a fog it is very difficult to dry yourself. So there is no need to worry about progress. It is like studying a foreign language; you cannot do it all of a sudden, but by repeating it over and over you will master it. This is the Soto way of practice. We can say either that we make progress little by little, or that we do not even expect to make progress. Just to be sincere and make our full effort in each moment is enough. There is no Nirvana outside our practice.

Project Conception

The Herbivore and the Carnivore – A Tale of Life, Death, and Rebirth

Homestead – All Politics Are Local

We pursue our dream to build a sustainable, suburban, family farmstead based on permaculture design and other holistic principles, exploring methods to heal humans through activities focused on healing our ecosystem. Our vision includes the cultivation of plants for food and other utility, nurturing animals as companion laborers, and building meaningful relationships within our local community. Among our offerings to the community will be whole food and value-added products, education services, and animal-assisted therapy for children and adults recovering from trauma and developmental-based issues.

See globally, live locally.

In My Fiber – Sentient Energy-Matter Soup

What I am and how I found out.

The Mankind Electrochemical Computer

Lorraine, my density has brought me to you.

The Patterns of Density

  • The Equivalence of Energy and Mass
  • Relative Scale
  • Entropy and Evolution
  • The Field

The Human

  • Constitution and Orchestration
  • Ingestion, Aspiration, Expenditure, Exhaust
  • Thought is Action
  • Ego as Adaptation

The Species

  • The Universe of Discourse
  • The Living and The Dead


When we inhale, the air comes into the inner world. When we exhale, the air goes out to the outer world. The inner world is limitless, and the outer world is also limitless. We say “inner world” or “outer world,” but actually there is just one whole world. In this limitless world, our throat is like a swinging door. The air comes in and goes out like someone passing through a swinging door. If you think, “I breathe,” the “I” is  extra. There is no you to say “I.” What we call “I” is just a swinging door which  moves when we inhale and when we exhale. It just moves; that is all. When your  mind is pure and calm enough to follow this movement, there is nothing: no “I,” no world, no mind nor body; just a swinging door.

There is really nothing you must be.
And there is nothing you must do.
There is really nothing you must have.
And there is nothing you must know.
There is really nothing you must become.
However. It helps to understand
that fire burns, and when it rains,
the earth gets wet. . . .’

“In My Fiber” Copyright (C) 2014 Harold Michael Smith, Jr.

aka “I know I am, but What are you?”

aka “The Mankind Electrochemical Computer”

MK1 – CIA Mind Control at Emory University – MKULTRA and Emory’s Own Mengele

MK2 – Never Trust a Prankster – Psychedelics, CIA, and Archaic Revivals

MK3 – MKULTRA and Grateful Dead – CIA, LSD, and Weaponized Anthropology

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